Notice - Taxes must be in by 11:59pm Sept. 16 to avoid penalty
Property Taxes
Due dates for summer taxes are typically September 14, and winter February 28. These dates vary depending on if the dates fall over a weekend.
Payments by Mail
Checks should be made payable to: Charter Township of Flushing
Payments in the form of check, money order, or cashier's check should be mailed to:
Charter Township of Flushing
Attn Treasurer's Office
6524 N. Seymour Road
Flushing MI 48433
Payments in Person
To make payment in person, residents may come into the Treasurer's Office at the above address during business hours of 8:00am to 6:00pm, Monday through Thursday. At the office you may pay with cash, cashier's check, money order, or check.
Payments Online
Residents may pay by credit card using the BS&A Internet Services, or by calling 1-855-634-4297. Point N Pay does charge a convenience fee of three (3%) percent or you can pay by e-check for a $3.00 fee.
Application for Deferment of Summer Taxes
Charter Township Treasurer is currently accepting applications for summer 2025 tax deferments (deferments are not exemptions). To qualify, a household annual income cannot exceed $40,000. The applicant(s) must also be
- 62 years of age or older, including the un-married surviving spouse of a person who was 62 years or older at the time of death.
- Paraplegic or Hemiplegic or Quadriplegic
- An eligible service person, eligible veteran, or their eligible widow or widower
- A blind person
- A total and permanently disabled person
Those that farm agricultural real property may also qualify if the gross receipts of the farming operation are not less than the household income of the owner. More information and deferment applications may be obtained from the treasurer.
All applications need to be returned to The Township Treasurer.
Deferments can only be filed and dated from July 1,2025 to September 14, 2025. Deferments must be filed annually. Postmarks will not be accepted.
A complete copy of the Summer Tax Deferments and Applications are available at the Township Office during normal business hours and available on our website, Any questions, please call (810) 659-0800.
Terry Peck
Flushing Township Treasurer
Click here for the Application for Deferment of Summer Taxes
Personal Property Taxes
Personal Property taxes are always paid at the township, regardless of due date. We only accept real property taxes during the current taxing year. Previous year real property taxes are payable at Genesee County Treasurer's Office. They can be contacted at 810-257-3054 or visit the Genesee County website.
Pay Water Bill Online
Flushing Township is now accepting credit card payments for water bills. A minimum of $1.50 or 3% whichever is greater transaction processing fee. Click here to Pay Water Bill Online.