Water/Sewer Bill Payments
Payments by Mail
Checks should be made payable to:
Charter Township of Flushing
Payments in the form of check, money order, or cashier's check should be mailed to:
Charter Township of Flushing
Attn Water Department
6524 N. Seymour Road
Flushing MI 48433
Payments in Person
To make payment in person, residents may come into the Treasurer's Office at the above address during business hours of 8:00am to 6:00pm, Monday through Thursday. At the office you may pay with cash, cashier's check, money order, or check.
Pay Water Bill Online
Click below or here to pay your water bill online.

Note: The account # for payment is the last six digits of the Account Number on your statement - ONLY THE LAST SIX NUMBERS are to be entered. EX - If your statement shows this account number, 08-0000000000-666666, enter 666666 as your account number when paying on line.
Flushing Township is now accepting credit card payments for water bills. A minimum of $1.50 or 3% whichever is greater transaction processing fee.
Source of Flushing Township Water
The source of Flushing Township municipal water is Karegnondi Water Authority out of Port Huron.
Property Tax
Residents may pay their property taxes by credit card using the BS&A Internet Services, or by calling 1-855-634-4297. Point N Pay does charge a convenience fee of three (3%) percent, or you can pay by e-check for a $3.00 fee.