Public Notice

6524 North Seymour Road
Flushing, MI 48433

The Charter Township of Flushing Planning Commission will hold a public hearing at the Charter Township of Flushing, 6524 N. Seymour Road, Flushing, Michigan, 48433 at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 to consider:

  • Special Use Permit to place an accessory structure in the front yard at 7055 N. McKinley Road, Parcel No. 08-10-400-003 pursuant to Special Use Permits Article XVIII, Section 20-1804 (A).
  • A request to consider the rezoning of Parcel No. 08-12-200-014, south west corner of Elms and Mt. Morris Roads from C-2 General Commercial District to RU-3 Residential Urban High Density District.

You may attend this meeting if you desire, but if you are unable to attend, you may submit a letter to this office prior to the meeting stating your position. Send your letter to the attention of Dennis J. Judson, Zoning Administrator for the Charter Township of Flushing or email at assessor@flushingtwp.com.

DENNIS JUDSON, Assistant Zoning Administrator
Charter Township of Flushing

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