Due Date: 03/20/2025
Pre-Bid Conference: N/A



Flushing Township of Flushing, Michigan, is requesting proposal from license and insured contractors for lawn mowing services for the 2025-2026 season. The contract will begin April 1, 2025 and end March 31, 2027, for a two (2) year period with the opportunity for three (3) one (1) year extensions. 

Proposals must be made on the Proposal Form provided by the Flushing Township (attached). Additional copies of the proposal forms are available at the Flushing Township Office at 6524 N. Seymour Rd, Flushing, MI or www.flushingtownship.com. Flushing Township reserves the right to waive any informality in the request for proposals, to reject any or all proposals; and to award the contract in a manner which it considers to be in the best interest of the township. The Township reserves the right to use whatever reasonable and sensible evaluation techniques it deems appropriate.

Scope of Services

The contractor shall provide lawn mowing services as outlined below:

  • Township Office 6524 N. Seymour Rd, Flushing
  • Mowing
    All branches, trash and other objects, on the ground, shall be picked up each time prior to mowing
    Mow as needed and weed whip with each mowing
    Mow and trim around all edges, trees, posts and any other objects as needed
    Bushes, shrubs and hedges shall be trimmed as needed
    Weeding will be done as needed and determined by the Township
    Blow off grass clippings in the parking lot and walks after each mowing Blow off entire parking lot monthly
    Raking of grass and leaves shall be performed when necessary
  • Chemicals
    Apply chemicals such as weed killer and lawn fertilizer if licensed and approved by the State of Michigan and the EPA.

  • Various locations within Flushing Township
  • Mowing
    Various residences within Flushing Township that have received violation notices for having grass or weeds in excess of 10" as per township ordinance. After receiving notice and refusing to mow the yard, the Code Enforcement office may order their front lawn to be mowed to a height not to exceed 4". No trimming. Clear any rocks or logs that may damage contractor's mowing equipment. Typically around 11 mowing's per summer. Could be a flat rate per parcel or an hourly rate. The township adds an administrative fee to each mowing, charged to the homeowner. 

The Lawn mowing bids will not be accepted with subcontractors. Flushing Township will not be separating mowing, fertilizing and weed control bid. Designee will schedule a quarterly meeting with the OWNER or OWNER’s Designee to review work performance during season.

In the event additional work is recommended the CONTRACTOR will contact the Supervisor or Clerk (OWNER) for prior approval. There will be strict adherence to the specifications listed above. Non-performance of any of the above work items regarding unsatisfactory execution and within 48 hours of notification by the OWNER (weather permitting) will result in the contracting of that work to a firm chosen by the OWNER at the expense of the CONTRACTOR.


The prices submitted on the enclosed Proposal Form should be calculated on a “per-service” basis. After a contractor has been selected, said contractor and the Township may jointly determine any changes to the components of each type of service. The Contractor and the Township may also jointly define and determine any additional service arrangements that may become necessary.

Liability and Indemnification

The Contractor shall carry workers compensation insurance and provide evidence of said coverage to the Township. The Contractor shall carry comprehensive general liability and property damage insurance coverage and shall provide evidence of said coverage yearly to the Township. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, protect, defend, indemnify, save and hold harmless the Township and its elected and appointed officers, employees and agents from all claims, damages, lawsuits, costs and expenses including, but not limited to, all cost from administrative proceedings, court costs and attorney fees that the Township and its elected and appointed officers employees and agent may incur as a result of the acts, omissions or negligence of the contractor or its employees agents or subcontractors that may arise out of the agreement. The Township must receive prior notification and approve the use of any subcontractors.


Proposals are to be addressed to: 
Flushing Township Clerk
Attn: Wendy Meinburg
6524 N. Seymour Rd
Flushing, MI 44833

Bids will be opened on March 24, 2025 at 10:00 am by the Flushing Township Clerk and Supervisor.

Click here for Lawn Mowing Proposal Form
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